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Along with many other trusted plastic surgeons and skincare experts, Dr. Savalia has embraced microneedling as an effective skin rejuvenation treatment. Microneedling involves making tiny, controlled wounds in the skin to trigger the body’s natural growth factors, foster the growth of new collagen and elastin, and help skincare products penetrate more deeply. This process can minimize the appearance of superficial imperfections on the face, neck, and décolletage, and give the skin a beautiful, healthy glow.

What is the microneedling process?

Microneedling is performed with a pen-like instrument that has 12 to 36 tiny microneedles on its tip. Your face is first numbed with a topical ointment, to ensure a pain-free experience. After applying a thin layer of serum to the skin, the pen is passed gently across the skin’s surface, where it creates thousands of micro-channels in your skin. This process triggers the body’s natural production of growth factors, fresh collagen, and elastin, for naturally smoother, thicker, more supple skin. The microneedling process helps topical skincare products penetrate more deeply. The number of passes over your skin will depend on your skin health and the areas that need to regenerate.

State-of-the-art microneedling treatments

Dr. Savalia uses the state-of-the-art Collagen P.I.N.™, which has an adjustable needle depth. The customizing factor is beneficial in treating the varying thickness of the skin tissue in the face, neck, and décolletage. This device is effective on areas where you have thinner skin, such as the forehead and crow’s feet, and on areas with thicker skin, like the cheek and upper lip. Microneedling with the Collagen P.I.N. is preferred to other treatments because it works without causing as much damage to the epidermis as dermal rolling or laser treatment.

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Is this you?

Here are some of the most common reasons for choosing microneedling as part of your anti-aging, skin rejuvenation treatment:

  • I have fine lines and wrinkles
  • My skin makes me look older than I am
  • I have areas of sun damage
  • I am embarrassed by melasma or hyperpigmentation
  • I want to minimize noticeable acne scarring
  • My skin has a rough or uneven texture
  • I am looking for a non-surgical skin enhancement treatment

If you can relate to any of the above statements, we welcome you to call or email our practice and schedule a microneedling consultation. After learning more about your skin rejuvenation needs and goals, Dr. Savalia will recommend whether microneedling or another treatment can deliver the best results.

Recovery and Results

There is virtually no downtime after microneedling with the Collagen P.I.N. Your skin may look slightly pink or have moderate redness, but there are very few other side effects. We strongly recommend using the products provided to you exclusively for the first four days. Mineral-based makeup can be applied if necessary, after your treatment. After a full recovery, you can return to your usual makeup process.

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How many treatments will I need?

You will start to see results one to two weeks after the first treatment, but a series of three to six treatments spaced four weeks apart will produce optimal results. We will design a treatment schedule based on your individual needs and goals. If you have deep wrinkles, substantial skin damage or scarring, you may need more than six treatments to achieve the improvements you need. The new collagen and elastin formation in your skin often results in visible improvements that last for up to one year.

Microneedling FAQs

How many microneedling treatments should I have?

Usually, three to six treatments spaced four weeks apart produce optimal results. The series of treatments you need will reflect the areas of your face that need to be corrected. Patients with scarring, deep wrinkles and substantial sun damage typically require six or more treatments to achieve the best results.

How long will it take me to see results?

You will see the first results with a single treatment. However, individual results vary based on the health of the skin. Expect to see improvements one to two weeks after the first in your series of treatments.

How long will my microneedling results last?

Microneedling triggers the formation of new collagen and elastin for firmer, more youthful-looking skin. The results typically last a year after treatment. You can prolong your results by using the skincare regimen that we recommend.

Does microneedling hurt?

No, microneedling does not hurt. Before treatment, your face is numbed with a topical agent. At the very most, some patients rate the discomfort at 2 on a scale of 1–10 (10 being the highest).

How will I look after my microneedling treatment?

Your skin might look slightly pink to moderately red for up to 24 hours after treatment. We can recommend products to minimize these symptoms and enhance your results.

Can I use makeup after my treatment?

We recommend you use only mineral-based makeup for the first four days after treatment because it cannot harbor bacteria. After that, you can return to your regular makeup products.


Schedule a microneedling consultation

For more information about microneedling treatment and whether it can help address your particular skin concerns, please contact us at Newport Beach Center for Plastic Surgery today.


There is a unique process that Dr. Savalia employs that could also be right for you. This is a specialized form of this procedure called Radiofrequency Microneedling.

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