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Breast revision surgery is a surgical procedure that removes existing breast implants and replaces them with new ones. Breast revision is performed for patients whose implants have malfunctioned or whose implants no longer match with the patient’s desired breast shape and size.

During your breast revision in Newport Beach, your implants will be replaced with new ones that suit your preferred type, shape, size, and projection. Some women may choose to forego implants and opt for a fat transfer. Women may also choose to combine a breast lift with their breast revision surgery to achieve a more complete enhancement. 


Here are some of the common reasons people give Dr. Savalia when they are considering breast implant revision surgery:

  • I’m disappointed in how my breasts look after breast augmentation
  • I want to change the size of my breast implants
  • I’ve experienced a breast implant rupture
  • A complication following breast implant surgery has compromised how good my breasts look
  • My breasts looked good for some time, but now my implants feel too firm and have changed shape
{alt_text}Ship on the sea.


  • He is listed in Orange Coast Top Doctors for 2019
  • Dr. Savalia performs procedures of the breast with artistry and skill in a warm and friendly environment

I take a step-by-step, comprehensive approach to revision, minimizing the additional surgical time and effort while still achieving the end goal of creating the desired breast appearance.

{alt_text}Ship on the sea.


The typical breast implant revision surgery begins with Dr. Savalia placing a small incision in the same location as your original surgical incision. He removes the implant and revises, removes, or expands the capsule of tissue that surrounded it. Dr. Savalia uses temporary implants during surgery to ensure the breast pocket is ideal and places additional sutures if necessary, to correct any asymmetries. The area is irrigated and cleansed, after which he prepares a replacement implant for insertion into the breast pocket.

For implants that were initially placed over the chest muscle (subglandular), Dr. Savalia usually prefers to place the new implant under the muscle (submuscular) to improve breast shape and minimize the risk of problems developing with the implant capsule. The incision is closed in multiple layers to minimize tension on the scar.

Recovery after a breast revision procedure

Because the breast capsule was already created during the initial breast augmentation procedure, recovery after a breast revision tends to be less involved than it was the first time around. You will experience less pain and need less downtime. However, there will still be swelling and soreness to deal with. You will receive a compression garment to help minimize swelling and keep your new breast shape intact. Drains may be placed to help escort excess fluids out of the body.

After surgery, you will need a friend or family member to drive you home and stay with you for the first 24-48 hours of your recovery. You will be able to resume your normal routine within several weeks, but you will still need to avoid strenuous exercise for up to 4 weeks. Scarring will fade over time. Remember to be patient and not try to rush your recovery process. This will ensure the best cosmetic outcome.

Breast Revision FAQ

How is breast revision different than breast implant surgery?

Revision cases are almost always more challenging than the initial augmentation procedure and must be approached on an individual basis to ensure the result you envision is achieved. Dr. Savalia takes a step-by-step, comprehensive approach to revision, minimizing additional surgical time and effort while still achieving the end goal of an excellent outcome. Before any surgery, he assesses the following: breast skin quality, tissue thickness, current implant size, position, and profile, as well as current symmetry. A thorough evaluation combined with a sound surgical plan offers you the best opportunity to attain the result you want.

How important is communication between doctor and patient in breast revision surgery?

Dr. Savalia believes that good communication between doctor and patient is extremely important in achieving a positive outcome for all cosmetic surgery procedures, and this is especially true for breast implant revision cases. He will spend as much time as necessary to understand your concerns and come up with a plan to help you achieve the breasts you envision for yourself.

Does breast tissue need reinforcement in breast revision surgery?

When performing surgery to improve the appearance of breast implants, Dr. Savalia will occasionally use a support material such as Strattice™ Reconstructive Tissue Matrix. This naturally derived product can reinforce weak or inadequate breast tissue, and it also supports growth of your own tissue. Dr. Savalia typically uses Strattice™ to correct concerns such as bottoming out, fold malposition, symmastia (when implants appear to merge), recurrent capsular contracture, or wrinkling and rippling.


Breast implant revision is most typically performed to correct capsular contracture (excess scar tissue formation around an implant) or implant malposition (implants that are too close together, too far apart, or “bottomed out”). But there is a wide range of possible reasons why a woman may be dissatisfied with her breast implants, and Dr. Savalia will evaluate each case individually. Here is a quick look at the main types of implant revision procedures he performs:

Breast Implant Replacement

Dr. Savalia can exchange breast implants for larger or smaller implants or replace a ruptured implant. He also replaces implants in many cases of malposition and when correcting capsular contracture.

Breast Implant Removal

If you no longer wish to have implants, Dr. Savalia can remove the implants and perform surgery to create an attractive, smaller breast. In these cases, a breast lift can often help to enhance the outcome, particularly for women who had larger implants.


The capsule that naturally develops around a breast implant may need to be removed entirely when it is overly firm or constricting the breast implant (capsular contracture).


Tightened scar tissue around a breast implant can sometimes be corrected by cutting the scar capsule. In this procedure, the original capsule remains in place but is surgically altered.


Dr. Savalia’s number-one goal is to provide you with a surgical approach that is genuinely customized to your needs and aesthetic goals. Because of this, pricing for breast revision in Newport Beach will vary based on the extent of the surgery. Dr. Savalia will provide you with a detailed and comprehensive service quote during your initial consultation.

Our trusted healthcare lenders can finance a breast revision in Newport Beach should you require assistance, but there are some instances where health insurance may cover breast implant revision surgery. Additionally, the implant warranty might cover some of the costs associated with breast revision.


We encourage you to contact us today to schedule a consultation at Newport Beach Center for Plastic Surgery in Orange County to learn more about breast revision in Newport Beach. Along with his supportive staff, Dr. Savalia is committed to helping you reach your cosmetic goals and will take the time necessary during your consultation to give you his recommendations and educate you about all of your options.

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